Compatible with RedmineUP plugins + dozens more.Abacus Themes' Abacusmine a modern responsive theme for Redmine.Browsers: IE10+/Edge, latest Firefox and Google Chrome (others were not tested).Ībacus Themes - Abacusmine (Commercial theme) ¶ You can use a plugin for select one color by project RTMaterial : Modern, and use material color.Modern color scheme by Flat UI & Espresso, Expandable tree view of the project list, Compatible with RedmineUP plugins and others plugins.Added new skins: Dracula (dark skin), Classic (light skin), Purple (light skin).Latest release: 2.0, (August 22, 2022) - Changelog.Enjoy a new REDMINE-EVOLUTION interface working with Redmine on a daily basis.REDMINE-EVOLUTION theme (Commercial theme) ¶ Author: Far End Technologies Corporation.Themes last updated in 2022 ¶ Bleuclair ¶ Redmine Themes Directory (Third-party website).RedWord for Word Press - a layer, to allow use of any Redmine theme directly.AngularJS based Redmine REST API Clients discussion.Sidebar: button to hide/show it: 2016 discussion of plugins and a patch.Custom CSS plugin: allows CSS changes to be made from within Redmine itself.Theme Changer plugin lets each user select their own preferred theme at "My page" Compatible with 2 and 3.General information about Redmine themes and how to install them into your Redmine can be found on Themes. The information listed in the respective theme entry fields is described in the legend at the end of this page. This is a directory of the available themes for Redmine, sorted with the most recently updated ones first. Themes included within Redmine core software.Redjourn theme (this theme is no longer findable online).East Sussex County Council Redmine theme."Project round blue" - theme (Commercial theme).Abacus Themes - Abacusmine (Commercial theme).REDMINE-EVOLUTION theme (Commercial theme).